the bad folk orchestra are the media production team for the Babylon Refugee Rescue Operation. Our founders were wandering mystics. Their cause, to build a sanctuary for homeless pregnant women on an organic farm that is a school for midwifery, is called the Babylon Refugee Rescue Operation. we forgive your criticism and desire your contributions.

The Stars are Watching US

    Today is the 25th day of May, the 5th month of the year 2022 in the Common Era. It is also the 24th day of Lyar, the 2nd Month of the year 5782, by the Hebrew Reckoning. That also makes today the 39th day of the Omer Count - en route to the Mountain of Sinai from the events of the Passover in Egypt. In the Spiritual Exodus from the grand metaphorical Captivity, in the course of this year of the soul's journey, the multitude of Israelites and other Habiru within me have not yet received the law. For reference, the Hebrew Calendar resets each year to begin again in the spring - this year it was on CE April 2nd that 1 Nissan occurred. 

    To furthur explore these Semitic calendrics, in the Islamic Reckoning- this is the 1444th year Al Hijrah. The pilgrimages of the soul of the community, and the individuals from Mecca to Yathrib ( the City renamed Medina by the Prophet Mohamed )  Sundown April 1st was also the First day of Ramadan ( the 9th and holiest month of the 10 month Islamic Lunar Calendar )  - which lasted until Sundown on May 1st. The Jihad ( the spiritual battle of the soul with those obstacles preventing submission to the Will of Creator of All Things ) that is here being considered, is one of intersecting cycles. Passover only falls during Ramadan once every 30 years or so. 

    On the 30th day of the Omer count, which was May 15 - there was also a Total Lunar Eclipse, the first of 2 that will occur during CE 2022. Another such Eclipse will occur on November 8th. In the metaphysical, communal pilgrimage that this year declares - in the Nation known as the United States of America, that day will be Election Night. That leaves 178 days between the blood Moons. 

    What else is today, in terms of Celestial observations? If we rely upon accurate reckoning of the Planets amongst the Constellations in the Ecliptic - The sun is Newly entered into Taurus, The moon Wanes as a late crescent in Pisces, after the Lunar Eclipse 10 days ago. Venus, Jupiter and Mars join the moon there in Pisces - as they reflect the Sun pushing forward, in the space between Mercury falls backward to join Uranus in Aries. Saturn is on it's 2 1/2 year sojourn through Capricorn.

    A critical observer may notice that there are some pretty extravagant differences between the Calendars used to reckon the days of the lives of humans. The next fun part will be that any child born today in the USA will likely spend their entire life bound to observe this mix of celestial observations by the cultural norms and federal holidays. Their birthday will be understood by 'Western Astrologers' to have occurred with the Sun in Gemini, Mercury falling backward through Taurus towards Uranus - Jupiter, Venus and the Moon in Aries and Saturn  is in Aquarius. From the point of view of the west, the Common Era, Astrologically speaking, is a set calendar. In reality, the dates upon which the sun enters and passes through Constellations move a little bit each year - and in the 2000 years of the common era, en entire Zodiac Sign has been skipped. Basically, it is safe to say that in the time that the Catholic Church of Rome has existed, western society has failed to reset the clock - which runs slow. So slow that sun is a month off.  Western culture has this odd problem - where the people practice false observations of celestial motion to interpret their lives.

    It is in consideration of this mess that dates that matter in this Journal Entry shall now be brought up.

Nov 8th, 2022 - the next total Lunar Eclipse - will be Election Night. On that Blood Moon, Women's Reproductive Rights will be on the Ballot. 

April 27th, 2022 CE - I ( Saul Aroha Nui Tea ) had a Vasectomy, and on May 3rd the Leaked Supreme Court Opinion ( dated Feb 10, 2022 ) potentially aborting the Roe V Wade from the Legal framework Forming the More Perfect Union of these Sates.     

    I found out, while having that Vasectomy, that a estranged former Lover of mine had died of a drug overdose.

    I had been intending to write about how the Vasectomy was an opportunity to mourn for my own unborn children.

    Now, as Yoda says in the Empire Strikes Back after Luke flies off to go confront the shroud of lies that concealed his own true identity and place within the cycle of life - "Told you I did, Reckless is he. Now, Matters are Worse." Then amended by Ben Kenobi - " That boy was our last hope "  To which Yoda rejoins - " No, there is another"

    Now, as I mix these metaphors and star charts up, shuffling them like a deck of cards - I begin to approach my actual purpose. I am attempting to use celestial observations to write music that will ensure that future generations of humans will all have the freedom to choose whether or not to have children according to their own life path. I am deeply interested in ensuring that the Consent of the Governed is not only relates to whether sex is rape - but also whether the potential medical repercussions ( including pregnancy ) are also undertaken with the consent of the Mother. 

    Now, full disclosure - I was raised by a Catholic Family. Physically and sexually abused in that environment. My choice to have a vasectomy was a direct response to the abuse I Experienced as child. I will not bring children into this world for the Catholic Church to ensnare, abuse, enslave and attack. 

    That's enough for now on this subject. More to come

you can reach us by adding the at gmail dot com to badfolkorchesta